Initiating SIP Call Forking
The SBC Device supports call forking of an incoming call to multiple SBC users (destinations). Call forking is supported by the Device's capability of registering multiple SIP client user phone contacts (mobile and fixed-line extensions) under the same Address of Record (AOR) in its registration database. This feature can be implemented in the following example scenarios:
■ | An enterprise Help Desk, where incoming customer calls are simultaneously sent to multiple customer service agent extensions. |
■ | An employee's phone devices, where the incoming call is simultaneously sent to multiple devices (e.g., to the employee's office phone and mobile SIP phone). |
■ | An enterprise reception desk, where an incoming call is simultaneously sent to multiple receptionists. |
The Device supports various modes of call forking. For example, in Parallel call forking mode, the Device sends the INVITE message simultaneously to all the users registered under the same AOR, resulting in the ringing of all extensions; the first extension to pick up the call receives the call, and all other extensions stop ringing. The Call Forking feature is configured by creating a User-type IP Group and configuring the IP Groups table's parameter, 'SBC Client Forking Mode' (see Configuring IP Groups).
The Device can also fork INVITE messages received for a Request-URI of a specific contact (user), belonging to the destination IP Group User-type, registered in the database to all other users located under the same AOR as the specific contact. This is configured by the [SBCSendInviteToAllContacts] parameter.